Monday, June 25, 2012

Don't Miss David Winston's Free AHG Seminar Monday Night

Join David Winston, RH (AHG)
as he presents the next AHG professional training webinar:

Differential Treatment of Depression
with Botanical and Nutritional Medicines
Dear Valerie,
Date:  Monday, June 25, 2012  Time:  7:00 pm EST
Cost:  FREE   
Who can attend:  Everyone - this event is open to the public

DWblueIt seems almost everyone in our country is either depressed, anxious or both. We live in a very stress-filled society and the mainstream solution is to take a pill. What if you don't want to take pharmaceuticals like SSRIs and talk therapy has not been effective? One of the keys to understanding depression is realizing it is much more complex than a deficiency or excess of neuro-chemicals. To effectively treat the various types of depression it is essential to fully understand the root causes such as GI dysfunction, endocrine imbalance, social and spiritual causes, hormonal issues and more. In this class we will discuss the causes and types of depression, and how many cases can be effectively treated using the appropriate herbs. The common misconception that St. Johns wort or any one herb is the "depression" herb is ridiculous and we will look at the specific indications of emotional dysfunction and the specific remedies to treat them.
And don't forget:

Our next two-year herbalist training program will begin September 18, 2012. On-site/on-line classes are now forming!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

HANS' 10th Herb Fair

at our 10th Annual Herb Fair
to be held at the Irving Botanical Gardens, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S.

July 22, 2012, from 9am to 5 pm.

Workshops, Plant walks, medicine making, plant spirit medicine.

Some of the presenters are: Lois Hare, Angie Jenkins, Michele Fike, Asha, Michele Haddal, Savayda Jarone, Jeanette Poirier

More information to follow.  Mark this date on your calendars.

The solutions to our dis-ease lie in a harmonous relationship with Nature.  She will speak to us when we are willing to listen.

HerbalWizdom Nature Therapy
Jeanette Poirier, CHT
Medical Herbalist
Blockhouse, NS
(902) 531-3828

Friday, June 8, 2012

David Winston to Present the Next free AHG seminar

Join David Winston, RH (AHG)
as he presents the next AHG professional training webinar:

Differential Treatment of Depression
with Botanical and Nutritional Medicines
Dear Valerie,
Date:  June 25, 2012  Time:  7:00 pm EST
Cost:  FREE   
Who can attend:  Everyone - this event is open to the public

DWblueIt seems almost everyone in our country is either depressed, anxious or both. We live in a very stress-filled society and the mainstream solution is to take a pill. What if you don't want to take pharmaceuticals like SSRIs and talk therapy has not been effective? One of the keys to understanding depression is realizing it is much more complex than a deficiency or excess of neuro-chemicals. To effectively treat the various types of depression it is essential to fully understand the root causes such as GI dysfunction, endocrine imbalance, social and spiritual causes, hormonal issues and more. In this class we will discuss the causes and types of depression, and how many cases can be effectively treated using the appropriate herbs. The common misconception that St. Johns wort or any one herb is the "depression" herb is ridiculous and we will look at the specific indications of emotional dysfunction and the specific remedies to treat them.
And don't forget:

Our next two-year herbalist training program will begin September 18, 2012. On-site/on-line classes are now forming!