Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lyme Disease Talk by Chris Marano

An informative, talk on the subject of Lyme Disease by herbalist Chris Marano, at Prakasa Yoga Studio in Goshen, MA, Saturday 4-11-15 from 1-3PM
Knowledge is power -- be better informed and equipped for dealing with acute and chronic Lyme Disease   

Lyme Disease: A Roadmap for Dealing with a Complex Disease
an informative talk with herbalist, Chris Marano, RH, MA, BS  
Prakasa Yoga Studio in Goshen, MA, Saturday April 11, 2015 from 1-3PM

By now, everyone knows about Lyme Disease, so we are beyond "Introductions." Lyme Disease is here and not going anywhere. This general talk quickly introduces the lay person to Lyme and its co-infections, and spends the majority of time offering practical and promising advice for dealing with this complex and tenacious disease. Chris Marano is a clinical herbalist with over twenty years experience, and he has been working with acute and chronic Lyme clients for the entirety of that time. His approach addresses areas of physiology, psychology, nutrition and behavior, and his insights have been of great help and hope for many people.

Cost $25

for more info and to register, contact Lynne Paterson:
info and registration:  http://www.prakasayoga.com/events.cfm
Send emails to:  prakasayoga@gmail.com

Chris Marano is a clinical herbalist of Western, Chinese, and Native American healing traditions, with a wellness practice in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts. He has over 20 years experience as a practitioner, he is a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild, teaches herbalism at University of Massachusetts, is the founder of Clearpath Herbals, offering health consultations and high quality, custom-blended herbal preparations, and of Clearpath School of Herbal Medicine, dedicated to the teaching of herbalism, holistic health, and Earth-based wisdom and sustainability. For more information, visit www.clearpathherbals.com, email chris@clearpathherbals.com, or call 978-544-5781.