Sunday, September 9, 2012

Upcoming Herb and Natural Health Classes from Steven Horne

It's September and it's time to go "back to school" to further
your knowledge of herbs, supplements and natural healing
techniques with the following classes from Steven Horne.

Advanced Herbal Training 
Herbs for the Structural System  
Webinar Class with Steven Horne and Thomas Easley 
Dates: Sept 18, Oct 16, Oct 30, Nov 13, Dec 4
Time: 8:30 Eastern, 7:30 Central, 6:30 Mountain and 5:30 Pacific time
Cost: $127 before Sept 13, $157 thereafter

People get injured all the time and modern medicine does wonders
with treating trauma. Doctors can set broken bones, stitch up
lacerations and even do reconstructive surgery.  What they can't
do is cause the tissues to actually heal. That's something the body
has to do, but it has to have the materials it needs to do it. 

That's where natural healing can help. We can speed the healing
process in injuries, while easing pain and preventing or minimizing
scarring by using the right herbs and nutrients.

In this five session course, professional herbalists Steven Horne
and Thomas Easley will discuss 44 herbs that can heal wounds,
injuries, broken bones and other injuries, as well as help with
arthritis, osteporosis and other health problems affecting the structural
system.  Each webinar is two hours long, so you get 10 hours of
quality instruction. 

Register at:
Or call 800-416-2887

Free AHG Webinar:
The Hormonal Symphony:
A Whole Body View of the Endocrine System  
Free webinar featuring Bev Maya 
Sept 12, 7:00 Easter, 6:00 Central, 5:00 Mountain and 4:00 Pacific time

Reproductive challenges such as pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS),
and peri-menopause come in many different packages. No two people
seem to experience the same combination of symptoms. Additional
hormonal aberrations are common during this transition and may
compound the picture. Common symptoms may include but are not
limited to forgetfulness, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia,
restless legs, heavy or erratic periods, sore breast, hot flashes, night
sweats, bloating, bowel habit changes and fluid retention.
And the list goes on!

When treating women who experience acute and severe PMS and
menopausal symptoms, the temptation to focus only on the
normalization of reproductive hormones with natural remedies
or bio-identical hormones is great. However, in many women, this
approach does not lead to the resolution of their symptoms long term.

Reproductive hormone imbalance is a harbinger of global hormonal
dysfunction. Since the body is an integrated organism, continual
dialogue between all endocrine organs (adrenals, pancreas, thyroid,
parathyroid, and ovaries) determine a women's sense of wellbeing.
The endocrine system also networks with the nervous and immune
systems while being nurtured and cleansed by the primary elimination
organs (liver, kidney and digestive tract) to complete the orchestra of life.

In this class Bev Maya will provide a detailed description and discussion
of the intricate endocrine connections between adrenals, thyroid &
parathyroid, pancreas, ovaries & testes. The key discussion will include
how endocrine dysfunction in a specific organ causes dysfunction in
the others. Clinical tips for treatment specific to menopause will be discussed.

While in university, Bev earned a reputation as a tenacious inquisitive driven
to make sense of nature through scientific endeavours. This reputation
has withstood the test of time. Today, as a practicing Medical Herbalist
and international speaker at medical conferences and colleges.

Register at:
Tree of Light's Associate Program Webinars

Tree of Light has an Associate program which includes two monthly
webinars. The first webinar, the Sunshine Sharing hour, is about a monthly
health theme and the second, The Holistic Perspective, discusses healing
in a broader sense, including emotional healing, personal and business

Associates can not only download handouts for each webinar from the
member area.  They can also download the PowerPoint presentations
to modify and use in teaching their own classes. The member area includes
an extensive archive of previous webinar recordings and handouts, too.
This is a great resource if you are building an herbal consulting business
or teaching people about natural healing.

In addition to the two webinars and access to the member archives,
members obtain discounts on all Tree of Light courses, books and other
materials. Learn more about becoming an associate.

Here are the upcoming webinars for Tree of Light's Associate program:

Sept 27: Natural Solutions to Sinus Congestion
Sinus problems are the number one health problem in the United States
as far as doctor visits go.  Unfortunately, sinus problems are typically
treated with antibiotics or antihistamines, which offer only symptomatic
relief at best, and actually cause more problems at worst. We'll explore
natural approaches to permanently relieving chronic sinus problems.

Oct 11: On Beyond Capsules
There are so many other ways to get the benefits of herbs beyond
just swallowing them in capsules. In this class, we'll discuss herbal
preparations that go beyond capsules (and tablets) such as
infusions, decoctions, compresses, fomentations, poultices, enemas,
douches and baths. Steven will be sharing some of his favorite recipes,
tips and ideas, as well as some success stories about using these methods.

Cost for the program is just $19.95 per month.  Start or stop at any time.
Visit for more information or call 800-416-2887 to enroll.

Kether-One, Inc. dba The School of Modern Herbal Medicine
P.O. Box 911239, St. George, UT 84791

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Arizona Sacred Plant Medicine Retreat 2012

Sacred Plant Medicine
Sept. 28-30, 2012

Mt. Lemmon Tucson, Arizona

Join herbalist, devotee of wildness, and shamana flora Darcey Blue and sacred nature guide, shamanic storyteller, and sacred-soul-mission activator Alyson Greene in a journey to the heart of plant spirit connection.

Imagine yourself in a deeply transformative immersion into plant spirit medicine . . .

You and a small group of fellow retreat companions, being guided through Seven Levels of Plant and Nature Awareness . . .

. . . Experiencing connection, community, solitude, rest, and replenishment

. . . Developing profound awareness skills

. . . Making new plant friends and deepening connections with familiar plant allies

. . . Bringing sacred plant medicine messages into your dreams and journeys

. . . Hearing plant blessing stories

. . . Deepening your relationships with wild nature, with plants, with your sense of purpose in relation to wild earth, and with your own sacred nature.


For all of the details and registration, visit the site at