Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Visit LearningHerbs.com for the most wonderful free herbal information around!

Free Teleseminar and Women's Herbal Medicine at AHG SYMPOSIUM 2011

Join award-winning authors Susun Weed  and Aviva Romm for a....
Free Teleseminar with The Down There Goddess and The Bush Doctor

A wild conversation with Susun Weed and Aviva Romm, MD
  • Get answers to your most intimate questions 
  • Learn a secret about your clitoris 
Susun WeedJoin Susun Weed and Aviva Romm, two of the world's premiere voices in women's health, for a lively and engaging conversation about how you can take your feet out of the gynecologist's stirrups and take care of down there with your feet planted firmly on mother earth.Aviva

October 6th, 2011 at 8pm EST
Free 30 minute Webinar

Register here for this free event

Like what you heard? Consider joining Susun and Aviva at AHG SYMPOSIUM 2011

Two days of intensives in herbal medicine....

'Down There' (for men and women) the Wise Woman Way

Down thereWith ceremony, story and song, Susun will lead an expedition "down there." First stop, the ovaries, where we will learn the early warning signs of ovarian cancer, and discover foods and herbs that can be used to help women with PCOS, cysts, and other ovarian conditions. We'll give our ovaries an ovation, then it's on to the prostate.

Though at least half of American men will have BPH or prostate cancer by the age of 50, neither are inevitable. Foods, herbs, and lifestyle can shift the odds in favor of your health and longevity. We'll ponder saw palmetto's relationship with LUTS, have a fling with Pinus pollen, dance with rye pollen, share pumpkin seed recipes, ponder tomatoes and echinacea, and learn how to power up the prostate. Time permitting, Susun will be happy to address other down there issues as well.

Thursday, October 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Herbal Medicine for the Childbearing Year

Join midwife - herbalist - medical doctor Aviva Romm for this full-day workshopAviva text geared toward midwives, childbirth educators, doulas, and herbalists interested in women's health and herbal medicine. Her more than 30 years of clinical practice, and wealth of experience as a teacher and author of seven books on women's and children's health make Aviva uniquely qualified to lecture on the use of botanical medicines in women's health and perinatally.

Don't miss this rare opportunity to learn from a practitioner with a remarkable depth and breadth of experience in botanical medicines, conventional medicine and the care of women. From conception & pregnancy, through birth, postpartum, and care of the newborn, learn how to safely and effectively use botanicals for common and complex conditions in the childbearing years.

Friday, October 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For information and to register, www.americanherbalistsguild.com, call 857-350-3128, or email ahgoffice@earthlink.net

Monday, October 3, 2011

FYI: Medical lecture - healing on the spiritual path - medically verifiable

I received this notice today and thought I would share in case anyone is interested...

There is a medical lecture on spiritual healing taking place in Dartmouth, NS next Wednesday, October 5th at 7pm. 
Alderney Gate Public Library
Helen Creighton Room
60 Alderney Drive
CA-Dartmouth, NS

The lecture is held by Dr Colizoli, a psychiatrist from Ohio, USA. The lecture is a free public event.

There will be many lectures in various cities across the globe (including Canada), all details and venues are here:

--- details clipped from the note ---
I ́m writing to invite you cordially to a series of lectures taking place in the Atlantic Provinces in October 2011. A physician will present medically documented healings which have occurred in the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends, one of the world's largest, non- profit organizations for spiritual healing.
With best regards,

Richard Leo Responsible Leader in USA and Canada
The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends
Healing on the Spiritual Path
through the Teachings of Bruno Groening A medical doctor present healings that are medically verifiable.
October 3rd and 4th, 7 p.m. St. John's, NL October 5th 7 p.m. Halifax, NS October 6th, , 7 p.m. Charlottetown, PEI October 7th, 7 p.m. Moncton, NB October 8th 3 p.m. Saint John, NB (List of locations see below)
Lecturer: Dr. C. Colizoli, MD, USA R. Fritze, Austria
Contact: tel. 513-899-3115

You are invited to attend one of the FREE lectures that are taking place in the Atlantic Provinces. I am a physician in Germany and my colleagues and I do this work out of gratitude for the help and healing we have experienced. Healing of severe chronic illnesses and even so called “incurable” conditions will be presented. During the lecture you have the opportunity to experience the healing power for yourself. You can utilize this power for your own health and for those you love.

International Medical Scientific Group organizes the lectures
I am a member and the director of the international Medical Scientific Group, which is a part of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. We have about 6000 physicians and members of other health care professions and we give these lectures in our leisure time. Many of these lectures are held at universities, even medical universities. In the last 12 months they took place in 79 countries.There is no incurable

The basis of the lectures is the teaching of Bruno Groening, who lived in Germany from 1906-1959. In his lifetime, extraordinary healings occurred during his lectures, which gave him worldwide recognition. He spoke of a power that comes from God which can be easily absorbed by everyone. This divine power was referred to by Bruno Groening as the “healing stream” or the Heilstrom.

Bruno Groening More information:
Please inform your friends and loved ones about this special event. Yours sincerely,
Dr. med. G. Blaettner
Medical Scientific Group of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends
Dr. med. G. Blaettner, MD Haidauerstr. 6
93107 Thallmassing, Germany

Medical Lectures in the Atlantic Provinces October 2011
St. John's, NL
Monday, October 3rd Tuesday, October 4th Key Assets Newfoundland Ltd 120 Le Marchant Road
Dartmouth, NS Wednesday, October 5 th 7:00 pm
Alderney Gate Public Library Helen Creighton Room, 2nd floor
60 Alderney Drive
Moncton, NB
Friday, October 7t h 7:00 pm Lions Community Centre 473 St. George Street
7:00 pm 7:00 pm
Charlottetown, PEI
Thursday, October 6th Holland College 305 Kent Street
7:00 pm
Saint John, NB
Saturday, October 8t h 3:00 pm New Brunswick Museum One Market Square

Friday, September 23, 2011

Herbs and Emotional Healing Webinar

The next webinar in the AHG series will take place on Thursday, October 13th. Steven Horne, RH(AHG) will be teaching on Herbs and Emotional Healing. This webinar will also be free and open to the public. You can learn more about Steven's class at the AHG website or register directly here.

The Professional Herbalist Training Webinar Series, taught by AHG professional members, will provide up-to-date information that combines ancient wisdom with modern science, drawing upon the varied herbal traditions of the world. Beginners and experienced health professionals are welcome to attend. While some of these classes will be free and open to the public, access to all of them can be ensured by  joining the American Herbalists Guild today.  

In addition to Free Access to 6 educational webinars a year, you get the following with your membership:
  • Free subscription to the biannual Journal of the American Herbalists Guild  
  • Free subscription to our quarterly informational e-newsletter, Guild News and Views 
  • Discounted registration to the AHG Annual National Symposium 
  • Unlimited on-line access to past issues of the JAHG
  • Unlimited on-line access to over 250 recorded lectures from AHG conferences and seminars
  • Local Chapter membership and participation
  • Social Networking  
For more than twenty years, the American Herbalists Guild has been working to promote excellence in botanical medicine education and practice.

And check out our 22nd Annual National Symposium, being held on October 20-23 in St. Petersburg, Florida. A dynamic line-up of teachers, including Paul Stamets (author of Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World) have been invited to celebrate the vital role of herbs in health care.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

LYME DISEASE Public Information Meeting

Challenges & Updates on Diagnosis & Treatment
Sunday, Sept. 18, 1-4 pm, FREE
Mahone Bay Centre, 45 School St., Mahone Bay, NS
Special Guest Speaker from BC: Dr. E. Murakami, President & Founder of Murakami Centre for Lyme Research, Education & Assistance Society
Local contact: Ellen Agger 902-624-0427

Friday, September 2, 2011

Monarch Excitement!!

You have no idea how excited I am today!!!!!!!  Look what is gracing my milkweed today!!  Over a dozen monarch butterfly caterpillars!!  I can't believe I haven't noticed them sooner!!  I am so blessed to have been given these two amazing huge mature milkweed plants for my yard this year!  Sincere thanks, Nicole!  I can't wait for what comes next!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

FREE Webinar

Introduction to Ayurvedic Detoxification: Treating Diseases Caused by Amavata
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM PDT

Free and open to the public! Are you looking to eradicate the root of chronic disease for your clients or for yourself? The East Indian Ayurvedic tradition considers amavata, or deep level toxicity, to be the seat of chronic disease. Join Todd Caldecott, clinical herbalist and author of Ayurveda: The Divine Science of Life and Dr. Alan Tillotson, Ph.D., clinical herbalist, licensed acupuncturist and author of The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook, for a discussion about how you can integrate Ayurvedic herbal, dietary, and detoxification methods into your approach to resolving chronic disease.

This webinar is hosted by Michael Tierra and the East West School of Planetary Herbology, and is appropriate for students and practitioners of herbalism.

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
System Requirements:
PC-based attendees:
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees:
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mi’kmaq Acadian Culture Festival and Reunion

August 19 - 20, 2011
Fort Point Museum
Lahave, NS

Schedule of Events

Friday, August 19- Fort Point Museum 
4:30-  Mussels cooked in seaweed by Alden Darville
5:00-6:00- Cajun/Louisana Dinner with Chef Keith Doucet from Louisana- Advance tickets $15.00 ea
6:30-8:00 – Second Seating.
Entertainment : Louisiana Cousins:
Bernie David, Christine and Lee Ann Guidry Law.

8:00- Mi’kmaq Teaching with Elder Leland Surette
          Sacred Fire, Smudge, Drumming and Singing.
          Heartbeat Drummers
           Flute- Elder Leland Surette

Saturday- August 20th
9:00-11:00  Sunrise Ceremony at Mi’kmaq Acadian Burial site in Petite Riviere, NS
10 :00- Canoe Race at Getson’s Cove, near Fort Point.
11:30- Official Opening and Flag Ceremony
12:30-1:00- Darren Arsenault
1:05-1:30 – Bernie David
1:35-1:55- Heartbeat Drummers
2:00- 2:20- Kaylyn Turner
2:25-2:50- Rhonda Kennedy
2:55-3:35- Collage
3:40-4:00 – Mi’kmaq Dancer
4:05-4:30- Christine and Leeann Guidry Law
4:35-5:10- Yves Rossignol and Cajun Zydeco Blues Band
5:30- 7:30- Feast and Give Away Ceremony
7: 30- Clean up of grounds and Kitchen
8:00-10:00 pm- Acadian Kitchen Party.

Workshops on Saturday:
1:00- 2:00 pm – Herbal Medicine Walk by Jeanette Poirier
2:00-3:00- Drum by Peter Pictou
3:00-3:45 pm- Bow and Drill-  by Richard MacKinnon
3:35-4:30- Mi’kmaq Medicine Circle by Laurie Lacey
4:30--5:30- German History Presentation .

Crafters: Carolyn Zwicker
Medicine – Mother Nature with Love – Kelli Souva.
Fortune Teller-  Contessa Crystal

Concessions : Lunenburg County Historical Society- Hamburgers, Hot dog and Sweets
                         Mi’kmaq & French Descendents Reunion- Steamed mussels, corn and Clams.
A donation bucket will be passed around at the feast . Please bring an item for Give Away.  The item is usually something that you give from yourself.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Harvesting We Will Go!!

The weather has turned the mullein and the Saint John's Wort into little yellow flower factories!  It's a perfect time to be harvesting both here!  They both grow wild and are often found in dry, gravelled areas.  There are some growing along the back roads here in the countryside.

A Young Mullein Plant
Photo by waldopics on Flickr
Mullein Flowering
Photo by gmayfield10 on Flickr
Mullein Flowers
Photo by nc_hiker on Flickr
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a soft, peaceful plant with an affinity for aiding in lung and bowel complaints.  Both leaves and flowers are used in medicinal remedies.  Harvest the younger leaves in early Spring and the blossoms in the middle of the summer.  When looking for information to share about this lovely plant, I found this great link to Ryan Drum's overview of three wonderful herbs, Nettles, Horsetail and Mullein.

Saint John's Wort Plant
Photo by gmayfield10 on Flickr
Saint John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is also a bright, cheery plant to harvest on a warm summer morning... if you don't mind competing with the bees!  You'll know you've found it if you hold one of the leaves up to the sun and it has little pin holes all over it!  This plant is widely known for its use in treating depression and there is much research available on this plant as a result.  This plant has a wealth of uses and is a staple in my apothecary.
Saint John's Wort Flower
Photo by carinemily on Flickr

"Aromatic, astringent, resolvent, expectorant and nervine. Used in all pulmonary complaints, bladder troubles, in suppression of urine, dysentery, worms, diarrhoea, hysteria and nervous depression, haemoptysis and other haemorrhages and jaundice. For children troubled with incontinence of urine at night an infusion or tea given before retiring will be found effectual; it is also useful in pulmonary consumption, chronic catarrh of the lungs, bowels or urinary passages. Externally for fomentations to dispel hard tumours, caked breasts, ecchymosis, etc." ~Grieve

Yarrow Flowers
Photo by beautifulcataya on Flickr
While you're out wandering around looking for these yellow fellas, keep an eye out for the lovely white Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) also in bloom right now!  I have a posey of that hanging up drying right now too!!

Whew, it's been a busy weekend!
Wishing you a happy harvest!
Val :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

24th Women's Herbal Conference, Aug. 19-21

Wendy and I attended the Women's Herbal Conference last summer and thoroughly enjoyed it!  The WHC is celebrating a new location this year!  I know it will be an extremely exciting and enlightening weekend!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wellness & Information Day - July 13th

I just received this from our wonderful aroma therapy experts at Casaroma at the Alderney Landing in Dartmouth.  They do so much more than just aroma therapy that I thought I'd share!
Hope you can join us at the Wednesday Market at the Landing to have a look at what we do and experiment a bit with our equipment. Check out your aura, learn how the Scalar laser works, see the eternale at work etc. Hear about our fabulous Wellness Cruise happening in April 2012. A lucky visitor will get a gift certificate for a relaxing Eternale treatment!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Excellent Herb Knowledge Site

I'm still reeling from an amazing extended weekend at Wheaton College in Massachusetts for the 10th Annual International Herb Symposium!  My brain is overflowing!

As I visit the web sites of some of the amazing instructors, I thought I would share any that seem particularly good with you.  The first one I am browsing is Guido Mase's site called Grian Herbs.

I attended Guido's very technical workshop on Polyphenolics (i.e. how tannins work) and was blown away by his wealth of herbal knowledge at the molecular level!  He did a superb job of explaining the complex topic in a manner that made sense (even to someone like me who has a very limited chemistry background).

Anyway, Grian Herbs provides a wealth of high-quality herbal knowledge including various Workshop and Class Handouts, an Herbal Database, An Introduction to Herbal Protocols, Medicine Making recipes and so much more.  It's certainly worth a visit!!!  Guido also maintains his blog called A Radicle - be sure to check it out too!

Thank you, Guido for a wonderful workshop!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Amazing Yoga Class Discount!!!

Holy smokes!!
Pure Freedom Yoga Studio is offering an incredible 69% discount right now!!
Get a 10 class pass for just $39!!! WOW!!
The offer expires in just 2 days - act fast!

Click here for all of the details!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Nova Scotian Herbal Workshops

I received this flyer from local herbalists, Jeanette Poirier and michele Haddal.  A group of us have attended their workshops in the past and have thoroughly enjoyed them!  It's wonderful to have workshops here so close to home!  I'm hopeful that I'm going to be able to make it to these this time!  Hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

HANS 9th Annual Herb Fair and AGM

Date: Saturday, July 16, 2011
Time 8:30 am to 5 pm
Location: Camp Brunswick, 42 Mines Road, East Chezzetcook
(approx. 1/2 hour from either bridge in Halifax/Dartmouth)

Cost: $40 (members) and $65 (non-members). Yearly membership $25.
For those needing to overnight, there is indoor space and tenting available at an extra fee.

Food: Participants are responsible for their own nourishment.
Herbal teas and water will be provided.

Come and enjoy a day of herbal workshops. There will be plant walks, herbal medicine making, plant spirit medicine, and much more.

There will also be a silent auction, a plant sale and a raffle.

Learn more at http://herbalns.org or contact Michele at admin@herbalns.org for more information.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Apple Blossom

Tonight Wendy and I visited a local park to harvest Hawthorn Flowers. We found apple trees blooming nearby and I could not resist bringing some of the sweetly-scented apple blossoms home for a bath! What a treat!! I felt so wonderful after the bath, I just had to search around and see what people were saying about the benefits of apple blossoms. I have compiled some of my findings below... no wonder I had a beautiful bath!!!

Photo by Glenn Franco Simmons on Flickr
The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus domestica in the rose family (Rosaceae). It is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits, and the most widely known of the many members of genus Malus that are used by humans. The tree originated in Western Asia, where its wild ancestor, the Alma, is still found today. There are more than 7,500 known cultivars of apples, resulting in a range of desired characteristics. Cultivars vary in their yield and the ultimate size of the tree, even when grown on the same rootstock.[2]

NMC News:
Aromatherapy uses and benefits include:
love, friendship, happiness, success

Magical Herbalism by Scott Cunningham:
Wear to promote happiness and success.
Anoint candles during love rituals.
Add to bath to aid relaxation.

Apples and their blossoms can be associated with abundance, fertility, love and immortality.

For the ancients, the apple was considered a symbol of immortality. Interestingly, it's also seen as a food for the dead, which is why Samhain is sometimes referred to as the Feast of Apples. In Celtic myth, an apple branch bearing grown fruit, flowers, and unopened bud was a magical key to the land of the Underworld. It's also a symbol of the harvest, and is frequently found on altars during Mabon celebrations.

In the English ballad "Thomas the Rhymer," young Thomas is cautioned against eating the Fairy Queen's apples, because to eat the food of the dead would prevent him from ever returning to the land of the living. This story reminds us that apples, and their blossoms, are associated with the realm of the Fae.

The apple is often found as a component in love magic, and the blossoms may be added to incenses and brews. In traditional folklore, apples are used as part of love divination -- peel the apple in a continuous length, and when the first strip of peel falls off, it will form the initial of the person you are to marry. Cut an apple in half and count the seeds -- an even number means marriage is coming, an uneven number indicates that you'll remain single for a while.

Use the fruits of the apple tree in divination, or brew the flowers into a tea. Use the tea to wash your face and hair in, to bring love your way. In some Druid traditions, apple blossoms are pressed to release oils, and the oils are used in blends to bring health and prosperity. A seventeenth-century herbal recommends mixing apple blossom extract with a bit of rose water and some pig fat as a cure for rough, dry skin.

Pomona was a Roman goddess of orchards, and is associated with abundance and bounty. To bring fertility and abundance into your life, hang garlands of apple blossoms around your home - particularly over your bed if you're trying to conceive.

Other names: Silver Bough, Tree of Love, Fruit of the Gods
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water
Deity Connections: Venus, Aphrodite, Diana, Apollo, Zeus

Monday, June 6, 2011

Congratulations On Your New Yoga Studio, Kathryn!!

Kathryn over at Pure Freedom Yoga has just opened a brand new studio in Rockingham Ridge Plaza off of Dunbrack Street, Clayton Park in Halifax!

There are FREE classes all week! Be sure to drop by, check out the amazing new space and stretch a little!

Congratulations, Kathryn!!!
Val :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Herbal Juices

Comfrey is ready for harvest here!  In fact, I've been cutting back the blooms to help the plants bush out a bit and prolong harvesting - as it is best to harvest before blooming.

Comfrey is a member of the Borage and Forget-me-not family, Boraginaceae. Comfrey thrives in almost any soil or situation, but does best under the shade of trees. Michael Phillips (author of The Apple Grower) tells us to plant comfrey under our fruit trees to attract bees to improve pollonation.

Comfrey should be harvested before it sends its vital energy into producing flowers. An established comfrey is a robust plant and will grow over and over again throughout the summer so you can enjoy multiple leaf harvests by cutting back the plant to keep it from flowering until later. For Mrs. Grieve's overview of comfrey and its medicinal properties, visit botanical.com. There are also a few other links in my sidebar with great herbal info.

Herbal juices allow us to extract the entire wealth of vitamins and minerals from nutrient rich herbs because we are consuming the entire harvest in its most vital state. In a past herbal class, Savayda Jarone of Mayflower Herbs had us in the garden picking 4" baby comfrey leaves to make herbal juice. I was shocked at the lovely light cucumber flavor of this mild slightly green drink!


1/2 cup chopped fresh herb
1 cup water

Blend in food processor or blendrer until pureed and frothy.
Strain and serve.

To preserve herbal juices longer, put unstrained juice in a sterile glass jar and add 1 cup apple cider vinegar and cover. Shake daily for 2 weeks then strain. Take 1 tsp in water, 1 or 2 times daily. The shelf life is about 3 months.

If you are not familiar with this wonderful garden specimen, give it a try. It will thrive in partly shaded areas of the garden, it produces gorgeous texture with its large leaves and it attracts beneficial bees with it's striking blossoms.

Originally posted: May 12, 2010

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Holy Horsetail!!

There is an abundance of horsetail in our area - particularly in my yard! I was going to elaborate on the medicinal uses of horsetail; however, there is a superb overview of horsetail on the University of Maryland Medical Center website.

I thought it might be fun to share couple of simple recipe ideas using horsetail. There are more out there in herbal beauty books and on the interwebs if you do a bit of searching.

Horsetail Hair Rinse

2 1/2 teaspoons dried horsetail (double the amount if fresh)
2 cups boiling water

Optionally add any (or all) of these:

Steep horsetail in boiled water for 20 minutes. Shampoo hair and rinse thoroughly. Poor horsetail rinse through hair and leave in for ten minutes. Rinse with clear water.

Horsetail Nail Soak

3 Tbsp dried horsetail (double the amount if fresh)
3 Tbsp dill seeds
2 cups water

Place herbs and water in a small saucepan. Cover and bring to a boil. Gently boil covered for 15-20 minutes, remove from heat and allow to continue steeping covered until cool. Strain into a sterile bottle and refrigerate until ready to use. Warm a small amount of the mixture and soak nails in a small bowl for 10 minutes 3 or 4 times per week. Trim nails and massage moisturizing lotion into hands after each soak.

Original posting: June 3, 2010

Thursday, May 19, 2011

2011 Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference

2011 Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference
Sept 15th-18th, 2011

Held at the stunningly beautiful Ghost Ranch in historic New Mexico.
Brought to you by Anima Lifeways and Herbal School, Mountain Rose Herbs, and our other supportive Sponsors.

“An amazing conference, resurrecting the spirit of Western Herbalism.“
-Paul Bergner, North American Institute of Medical Herbalism

David Hoffmann • Kiva Rose • Paul Bergner • Phyllis Hogan • Jesse Wolf Hardin • Juliet Blankespoor • Jim McDonald • Ryan Drum • Robin Rose Bennett • 7Song • Bevin Clare • Todd Caldecott • Charles Garcia • Margi Flint • Howie Brounstein • Kathleen Maier • CoreyPine Shane • Christa Sinadinos • Mimi Kamp • Larken Bunce • Doug Eliott • Linda Garcia • Lisa Ganora • Rosalee de la Foret • Kristine Brown • United Plant Savers

Over 3 days of Classes and Workshops! 49 Classes taught by 29 Leading Teachers!
2 Nights of Music with Rising Appalachia, Tina Collins & Her Pony, & Lunar Fire Tribal
Native Plant Walks • Healer's Market with Practitioners
and more

Check out all of the details at http://www.traditionsinwesternherbalism.org/

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kiva Rose - Free Webinar

This morning, I received the following note from the fine folks at LearningHerbs.com  The last webinar with Rosemary Gladstar was excellent, so I'm excited to participate again! ~~


If there is a type of herbalism that defines LearningHerbs, it's "Folk, Grassroots Herbalism."

I asked my good friend Kiva Rose if she wouldn't mind doing a free, live class for y'all on the topic.

She came up with this...

Root to Fruit: Folk Herbalism from the Ground Up

In this webinar class Kiva Rose covers...
  • 8 Steps to a Balanced Approach
  • Growing Your Materia Medica
  •  6 tips for deepening your alliance with herbs
  • Introduces you to one of her favorite herbs (and it's not at all one you'd expect)
  • Gives you two great recipes, including one of her signature elixirs
Kiva even made you a PDF with notes and recipes.

Want to take part in this free, live webinar event?
Just go here...


John from LearningHerbs
You're going to love this.
Kiva is awesome. (and hey, it's free) :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Send Sweetness!!

Received from a friend in Halifax, NS today and thought I'd share this sweet idea!


Hello Friends!

spring is here, and we are coming out of hibernation! its time to put seeds in the ground and send sweetness to those you love!

Along with other Robert's Street SOS fundraising events (see more info below if you don't know Roberts Street) City Mail, Make Work Design and City Witch Herbals are collaborating to bring you,


Made to order special packages featuring weird and wonderful items made/collected by Roberts Street members! Every SUPER DELUXE CANDY-GRAM will include a wicked screen printed card with your unique message emblazoned by typewriter.

the following items are available to accompany your card: Nova Scotia Harvested Herbal Tea Blend, Miscellaneous Pin-Back Button, Love Poem written by local poet, Starter House Plant, Love Potion, Fiction Novel, Surprise Me and OrganicFair Trade Chocolate Bar.

Candy Grams are available for purchase at The Roberts Street Social Center, The Good Food Emporium, and Venus Envy. All the funds raised from the candy grams will go to Roberts Street Social Centre.

About Roberts Street and SOS:

The Roberts Street Social Centre provides a space for people to come together in Halifax. The social centre is made up of:

* Anchor Archive Zine Library
* Ink Storm Screenprinting Collective studio
* Crow's Nest space (for events, workshops, and meetings)
* an artist and zinemaking residency program
* The People's Photocopier
* a kitchen
* a yard with fire-pit and garden

Mission: The Roberts Street Social Centre is a collection of projects dedicated to providing free or affordable access to independent and alternative media, art, and education. It is a space for people to come together to share skills, knowledge, and resources. We support critical, creative projects and inspire social change through DIY (do it yourself), non-hierarchical, and consensus-based approaches. We aim to be active in our communities by collaborating with other groups and projects. We strive to be inclusive, aware of barriers and discrimination, and welcoming to all ages.

Times are tight for projects like ours, so we are holding a week of SOS (save our space) to help sustain the work we do. for a full list of events check out the website. If you are interested in supporting the work we do in a long term way contact info@robertsstreet.org about our FAN CLUB

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dandelion Leaf Recipes

Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion)
Here in Nova Scotia, dandelions are ready for picking! They provide us with the perfect tool for a spring cleanse - their leaves - just cut them at the crown and wash them thoroughly... more will grow back!

A wonderful, local herbalist, Jeanette Porrier, has provided these delicious Springtime recipes for us to savor!

Cooking with Dandelions
All parts of the dandelion are edible. Leaves are used as a vegetable; roots can be cooked for food or roasted and ground as a coffee substitute, and flowers used for wine.

When using the leaves pick when still young and tender before they have started to bloom. Harvest in clean areas away from major highways, dog doo, or pesticide application.

Dandelion Salad
Young dandelion leaves
1 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil or to taste
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar or to taste
A few grains of salt

Clean dandelion leaves thoroughly. Sprinkle with olive oil, vinegar, salt, and toss.

Warm Dandelion Salad
(This is good when the dandelions are a little more mature)
1 Liter dandelion leaves, well washed
1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
A few grains sea salt

Steam dandelion leaves or cook in a small amount of water till tender. Drain. Add oil, vinegar and salt and toss. Serve warm.

Dandelion and Onion
1-2 Liters dandelion leaves, well washed
1 large onion, chopped
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper

Steam dandelion leaves or cook in a small amount of water till tender. Drain.
In a fry pan, cook chopped onion in oil until soft and slightly browned. Add cooked dandelion, salt and pepper and stir well together. Serve as a side dish.

If you would like to be added to Jeanette's seasonal e-mail newsletter, you may contact her directly:

HerbalWizdom Nature Therapy
Jeanette Poirier, CHT
Medical Herbalist
Blockhouse, NS

Friday, April 8, 2011

Herbs To Harvest!

As surely as the crocuses bloom in Spring, so does Coltsfoot! It's a sure sign that Spring has sprung and we need to get busy collecting a new harvest of herbs for the year ahead. Most dried herbs have a medicinal shelf life of about a year if they are kept sealed and out of the sunlight.

Coltsfoot (Tussilago Farfara) can easily be mistaken for Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) but when observed closely, it has some distinct differences. Coltsfoot flowers come before the plant gets leaves. Dandelions get their leaves at the same time that Coltsfoot gets flowers. Coltsfoot flowers, therefore, serve as a great reminder to also harvest Dandelion leaves! Remember to collect in a natural area that is not sprayed with chemicals and is not blasted with toxins from cars or trains. Stay tuned for upcoming posts with more tips on collecting, drying and tea making.

Coltsfoot is used as a respiratory disinfectant, expectorant, and cough suppressant. Since the days of ancient Greece and Rome, coltsfoot has been used to relieve asthma, coughs and bronchial congestion. Collect the flower tops now and dry/dehydrate them for future use.

Dandelion leaf is one of the best diuretics on the planet and it is a fabulous source of nutrients and great digestive bitters. Now is the perfect time to harvest the young green leaves as they are still full of nutrients that will later be used to produce flowers. Eat some fresh tossed in salads etc. and dry/dehydrate some for future use.

It's easy, quick and fun so take a moment to bond with mother nature, step outside and pick an herb! :)

Please feel free to post questions and I'll do my best to answer them. I will also be posting links to some great herb sites in the sidebar as time permits so keep an eye out for those!

Green blessings,
Original posting: April 16, 2010

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rosemary Gladstar's Free Webinar This Wednesday Evening

Hi everyone!

Rosemary Gladstar
I'm so excited to announce that Herbalist and author, Rosemary Gladstar, will be teaching a free webinar this Wednesday night!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 8:30 PM EDT (9:30 Atlantic, 7:30 Central, 6:30 Mountain, 5:30 Pacific)

It's called "Herbs Demystified! Remedies for Family Health".

The title more or less explains what the topic is and it's for beginner and experienced herbal folks alike. Even if you have worked with herbs quite a bit, you know that there are always new gems to be learned from Rosemary.

This is actually the first live webinar Rosemary has ever done, so this is a rare treat indeed.

And hey, it's free. :)  Plus when you register, you are entered into a drawing for an autographed book by Rosemary and a free pass to the International Herb Symposium (worth $300 and raffled off during the webinar). Of course you need to attend to be eligible to win!

All of the details are right here... be sure to register and join in the fun!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The 2011 International Herb Symposium

You are joyfully invited to attend this

outstanding event


Celebrating the Healing Power of Plants

June 24 ~ 26, 2011

"A Symposium to touch your heart and soul as well as mind and spirit, this gathering is for all people enraptured by the healing essence of herbs. The International Herb Symposium offers herbal enthusiasts an incredible opportunity to learn from the worlds leading experts in botanical medicine and herbal lore. Whether a novice or advanced in your herbal interests, the Symposium offers [over 90!] classes, workshops, panel discussions and learning experiences to touch every level of your being."

I have had the extreme pleasure of attending this event in 2009 and have been awaiting its return since the day after the event!!!  I'm so thrilled to be registered to attend again this year!  What a great opportunity to meet new people, incredible herbalists, favorite authors and an international community of unbelievable instructors!!  This is one weekend you won't want to miss!!

If you are looking for a group to register with to qualify for the group discount, please email me as we are looking to grow our group to qualify as well.... near or far, we can register under the same group name!

Green blessings,
Val :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

On My Wishlist

Late last night, I once again stumbled upon an item that has been on my wishlist for a few years now... an independently published deck called The Maroon Tarot. You might ask why I haven't ordered it already. Well, it's one of those situations where the cost makes it so indulgent that I just can't allow myself the privilege of obtaining it.   Here are a few cards from the major arcana...

One advantage of my restraint in getting this deck is that there is now a companion guide to go with it!  Oddly enough, the author of the companion lives in Toronto - a mear 18 hour drive from me!

Although this site is in Russian, it provides amazing close-up pictures of each card in this incredible deck: http://blackwarlock.mirbb.net/t1881-topic

There is something so vibrant and beautiful about this artwork.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Do you own any tarots or oracles that you just love?  Which ones are they?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cutie Pa-tootie!

I can't even believe how long it's been since I last posted!!  Where has the time gone!?  I just competed this little project that I wanted to share with you.... I think they are just too cute for words!  They are only as as long as my ring finger!

Yarn: Fabel Superwash Sock Yarn by Garnstudio; color 151

I have never knit anything much more than a dishcloth or a scarf before, so 4 teeny tiny knitting needles and itty bitty sock yarn was a huge change for me!

These adorable baby slippers from the SockPixie took me a few tries to get the first one going correctly but once I got the hang of it, the second one was quicker.  I also learned that the repeat pattern in this variegated yarn is a bit long for such tiny projects; they would be even more colorful with a shorter repeat length!

What projects have you been working on lately?